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    What it is for

    It allows you to get a deeper assessment of end-users answer by creating a customized evaluation table from which end-user has to choose to what different degree is applicable to their answer.

    How to use it

    It can be filled four fields:

    1. Field “Question” (it is the main field that end-user have to answer to, it is mandatory)
    2. Field “Description” (it allows you to address your end-users with a more detailed question)
    3. Field “Answer” (answer end-user can select amongst options you provided)
    4. Field “Value” (value end-user can select amongst options you provided)

    You can add virtually endless answer through “Add answer” and “Add value” buttons.
    You can freely manage each added answer and value, either choosing the sorting order or even deleting it


    Through “Matrix” menu you can manage

    1. Required: you can make that question as a mandatory one.
    2. Image upload: ( it allows you attach/delete a question-related .jpeg/.png file)

    Note: above points are options common to all questions.

    Once you have created and settled “Matrix” questions as above explained, a layout page as shown below will be displayed to your end-users:

    in Type of questions
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